How do you see your future? Will you be working hard until you're seventy? Or retiring early - wealthy, independent and financially free?
These are questions we must know NOW-- Do not wait until you are old, married, or settled in 'your ways' to ask yourself these questions.
Do not hesitate, build your wealth now!
Now more than ever is the time to leave and let go of any financial struggle. You have to understand whom you are and take control of what you know about yourself. If you can find out whom you really are and live your worth; you will be amazed at how happy and wealthy you can become.
Now when most people hear the word 'wealth' they translate it to being rich. Truth is, some people will never (yes I said never) be rich. I say that loosely depending on what your definition of rich is.
Some dictionaries would describe wealth as the following:
1. An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.
2. The state of being rich; affluence.
2. All goods and resources having value in terms of
exchange or use.
3. A great amount; a profusion: a wealth of advice.
These all have different meanings and values when presented to different people.
If you really want to make it big at building wealth, there is the much effort you must come by to bring about faith on your own. You have to be accountable for self, it is the only option you have; build your wealth now.
Funny thing is, building wealth for a secure, early retirement is actually very simple – I tell people this all the time. I think its so simple that people miss it- or they don't possess enough self discipline to obtain it.
Here it is:
Here it is:
1: The amount of money you invest.
2: The growth rate of your money.
3: The amount of time it has to grow.
Unfortunately, not many will be able to accomplish building wealth because it has little to do with understanding these rules – and everything to do with taking effective action!
Basic Retirement Tips:
#1: Have A Plan
A written plan with goals provides the road map and is a necessary first step.
#2: Lifestyle Lags Income
You must control your spending so that your lifestyle lags your income because this will create available capital for your investment activities
#3: Invest In Your Financial Education
Every investment in your financial intelligence will pay dividends for a lifetime. I tell my clients to try to regularly contribute to their financial lifestyle by taking courses, reading and research so that their financial intelligence grows faster than their wealth.
#4: Don’t Procrastinate – Start Today
If you wait just six years to get started and your assets grow at 12% annually you will have half as much money when you retire compared to starting today (assuming equal contributions over working lifetime). If you wait just twelve years you will have only a quarter as much. (Get the point?)
So in summary, here it goes a proven wealth building formula for most self-made millionaires as follow:
(1) Spend less than you earn and save the difference.
(2) Build your financial intelligence while building your wealth so that you can make wiser, more profitable decisions to grow your assets.
(3) Start early because time is the most important factor in compounding wealth.
This subject has recently become more important to me than ever with me having to start my life over as a divorced woman with no savings and no plan. I made the mistake of thinking there was time to start saving and we would do it together...